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Alternatively, use the Search bar to find the. Tutorial Windows 10 HEVC codec for Free Thread starter Uiaad Start date Views 14,380 Replies 47 Likes 5 1 2 3 Next. From the application list, scroll down and select the Microsoft Store.
Moreover, in some cases, the installation doesn’t happen automatically so you can use the links to download it for free. How to download and install the HEVC codec for free Click on the Start menu. However, this was added in v1809 so it won’t install codec automatically on previous versions of Windows 10. To Microsoft’s credit, they did add it back as an add-on which installs when you check for updates after booting the system for the first time. and many more programs are available for instant and free download. Both the links will direct you to the Microsoft Store and you can download the codec for free. Multimedia tools downloads - DivX HEVC Community Encoder by DivX, LLC. Click on the Search icon and type Microsoft Store. This extension is designed to take advantage of hardware capabilities on some newer devices including those with an Intel 7th Generation Core processor and newer GPU to support 4K and Ultra HD content. Follow these steps to install the extension manually: 1. Play High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) videos in any video app on your Windows 10 device. The HEVC codecs were previously accessible for free on the Microsoft Store, however, they are no longer available. To install the codec, follow this link to download HEVC Video Extension and follow this link to download HEIF Image Extension. How to Install & Open HEVC Codecs Files in Windows 11. Microsoft hid another version of the HEVC codec on the Microsoft Store and it was for device manufacturers to install the codec on their desktops and laptops before shipping them out to customers. While the codec costs only $0.99, there’s a way to get it for free. Later, for some reasons, Microsoft decided to remove HEVC codec from Windows 10 and opening a file with HEVC directed users to a paid version of HEVC provided by Microsoft. While the codec costs only 0.99, there’s a way to get it for free. Earlier MKV and HEVC codec required a 3rd party media player like VLC to work but Microsoft added the support for both when they launched Windows 10. Later, for some reasons, Microsoft decided to remove HEVC codec from Windows 10 and opening a file with HEVC directed users to a paid version of HEVC provided by Microsoft. The only option now is to get the 0. Well, looks like the free alternative is now closed. HEVC or High Efficiency Video Coding is a popular codec used by companies around the world. No longer free: Windows 10 HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer.